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GOLF EXERCISE TOOLBOX: Band Lateral Side Bends

This golf exercise is one that you will find in almost all of our programming at SCRATCH.

I like to throw it in almost weekly, maybe every few weeks.

I know what you might be thinking... "But that's not very functional"

Or maybe, "I have heard those are bad for your back."




Nope, and false.

Not functional???

Our spine is built to move.

It moves a ton in your golf swing.

This is why I HATE the saying "Rotate around your spine."

What do you mean? My spine is quite literally the thing rotating.

If you watch any golfer swing a club, their spine is simultaneously flexing, rotating, extending, and laterally flexing.

All of that being said, yes, this exercise is very functional.

It builds resilience in your spine, expanding it's usable range of motion, and strengthening the muscles surrounding it.

Last thing I'll add here, this exercise works your Quadratus Lumborum (often know as QL) muscle, which is a common spot for tightness and pain in golfers... building strength within it will be very beneficial - and quite "functional"!

To the second point, "I have heard those are bad for your back."

Whenever you hear this, IMMEDIATELY question the person offering you the advice.

Very few (there may not be a singular one) exercises are "bad" for [insert joint].

It's simply about whether the exercise offers you the proper amount of stress right now.

Stress is a good thing.

This lateral side bend exercise stresses your spine in the frontal plane, which is a great thing!

Now, be sure to progress into it.

You probably won't be able to bend as far as I am here... and that's okay.

Start without a band. Get as far as you can. Then try to get a little further. And a little further.

Then load it with a light band. The a little heavier band.

This is how progression works!

Muscles Worked

  • External/Internal Obliques

  • Quadratus Lumborum (common tightness/pain spot in golfers)

  • Erector Spinae

How to include it?

We use it towards the end of exercises as an auxiliary lift.

2-3 sets.

8-12 reps each side.




Let's go low!

Carter Schmitz






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