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Golf Fitness!

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9 Exercises you NEED in your Golf Training

Golf fitness - I prefer to call it golf TRAINING - is becoming more and more popular.

And with this popularity comes TONS of information on social media.

Floods of exercises, hacks, tricks, tips, and everything else you need to know to improve your fitness as it relates to the sport of golf.

But here's the thing - so much of it lacks actual VALUE.

What should your golf exercises look like?

For the most part, your golf fitness exercises should NOT look like the golf swing - except for speed swings!

The goal of weight room exercises is to create physical adaptations that will support our golf practice and performance.

The goal is NOT to mimic the golf swing in the hopes that it will improve.

Now, there is an element of specificity in training - meaning that we want to create physical adaptations that support our golf swing.

We want to create strength, power, and force production based adaptations.

We should be including exercises that grow muscle, improve the function of the body as a whole, and support higher movement velocity.

Let's talk about 9 exercises that will TRULY HELP YOUR GOLF PERFORMANCE!




Lower body strength.

Muscle mass gains - quads, glutes, core, lower back, hamstrings.

Higher force production.

Core strength.

Fast twitch muscle fiber recruitment (when loaded heavy).

Many different varieties and variations.


2.) Push Ups


Upper body strength.

Horizontal pressing power.

Fast twitch muscle fiber recruitment (when loaded heavy enough).

Upper body force production.

Core strength.

Can be assisted or resisted as needed based on your current levels of fitness.

Muscle mass gains - chest and shoulders.


3.) RDLS


Posterior chain strength.

Muscle mass gains - glutes, hamstrings, and lower back.

Core strength.

More force production.



Upper body strength.

Fast twitch motor unit recruitment (when loaded heavy enough).

More force production.

Muscle mass gains - lats, biceps, shoulders, and upper back.

Shoulder health.



Lower body strength.

Muscle mass gains - quads, glutes, core, lower back, hamstrings

Higher force production.

Core strength.

Fast twitch muscle fiber recruitment (when loaded heavy).


6.) Kneeling Landmine Press


Upper body strength.

Vertical pressing power.

Fast twitch muscle fiber recruitment (when loaded heavy enough).

More force production.

Core strength.

Muscle mass gains - shoulders.



Core strength.

Spinal mobility.

Spinal health.



Lower body strength.

Muscle mass gains - quads, glutes, core, lower back, lats, hamstrings

Higher force production.

Core strength.

Fast twitch muscle fiber recruitment (when loaded heavy).



More clubhead speed.

Greater rotational power.

Spinal health and resilience.



There you have it - 9 exercises you SHOULD BE DOING if you're a golfer.

Now it's up to you to go DO IT.


Carter Schmitz

Founder and Head Coach -


Carter is a strength and conditioning coach out of the Milwaukee area working with athletes, in-person and virtually. Having helped hundreds of athletes, ranging from the middle school to the professional level and beyond, Carter brings a breadth of experience and knowledge to every athlete he works with. He launched in the summer of 2021 to help empower golfers to greater performance and longevity.

Carter believes ALL golfers are athletes, and they should be training accordingly.

Become a SCRATCH Athlete today, and start training like the ATHLETE you are!

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